9/18/2014 0 Comments Big Tunacaught this 25 lb tuna while live bait fishing at the Islamorada hump. we had some other large ones on but the sharks got them before we could get them to the boat. They did let us catch the smaller tuna so we had plenty for dinner.
My buddies from Chicago were on the boat and they were headed to key west after we got in. Sounds like there's going to be a few hangovers tomorrow.
9/14/2014 0 Comments Live Bait TunaDid the live bait thing for the tuna today. We start by catching dozens of cigar minnows with the cast net and take them to the Islamorada hump where we throw them out to get the tunas up to the surface. We then start throwing them out with hooks in them to catch the tuna. It's a lot of fun with lots of hook ups.
looked for the Mahi after that but they were a little too far for our 3/4 day. 9/13/2014 0 Comments Trish The Yellowtail MasterCP and Trish called me a couple days ago and said that they would be down this weekend. Since I had Saturday open and they didn't want to get up early on their short vacation , we decided to do a late half.
I heard after we got back to the dock that the yellowtail weren't biting in the morning. Guess the YT didn't want to get up early either but they certainly were hungry in the afternoon. Mostly nice size fish with a few smaller fish mixed in. Nice job Trish and CP, we'll see you again next month. 9/10/2014 0 Comments Rainy Day SnapperKate and Mike fished with us today on one of those rare rainy days in the keys. The fish didn't care as they were already wet and as it turned out they were also hungry. We started at the hump catching tuna. The bite was so good I couldn't go 100 ft without hooking up. After catching enough tuna we went to one of my vermillion snapper spots and caught our limit of them. As we still had plenty of time left we decided to yellow tail fish and caught a dozen or so of them. Just one of those days where everything works
Great job by Mike with moral support by Kate. Already planning their next trip. 9/6/2014 1 Comment It's All RelativeWe caught around 20 mahi today. If this was June or July I'd say it was very slow today but since we had the best catch on the dock by far, I was pretty happy with the catch considering.
Great group of folks today and although not everyone felt their best at times they did a great job of staying untangled and catching fish. 9/4/2014 0 Comments One of those DaysWe had great expectations for our half day today. The wind was down, the water was off color and we had some current to the north. All the right ingredients for catching yellow tail except the cooperation of the fish.
The blue runners were thick at the tarpon hole, the 4 to 5 lb yellow tails were at e marker but wouldn't bite and there was 20 file fish behind the boat at the eagle. Talk about frustration! ! We caught 13, plenty for several meals and my clients were happy. They plan on doing a Mahi trip next time but it should have been a lot better. O well tomorrow's another day. 9/2/2014 0 Comments Bull Sharks And YellowtailTony called me a few weeks ago, booked today and pretty much left it up to me as to what we'd fish for. Since it was still blowing and the yellow tail were starting to bite well again, we decided to start there.
40 fat yellow tails later the bull sharks moved in. It became a game to see if they could get the YT to the boat before they got eaten by the 2 bull sharks circling below. Won some lost some but we were pretty much done catching YT anyway. We left and finished up by catching some rose parties in the deep. Back looking for the mahi tomorrow. 9/1/2014 0 Comments Better But Not MuchShannez with the mahi she caught today. Little tough today but we caught a few mahi at 15 miles and worked our way out to 20 miles where I found a barrel floating. Jay wanted to catch a mahi on fly so with a nice pack of 15 fish swimming around the boat he gave it a go. Unfortunately the jacks were a lot more aggressive then the mahi so after 10 minutes of trying he gave it up. The mahi decided the seen enough also and left. Those were the last mahi we saw today. We did catch a few tuna and snapper on the way home. Yellowtail and deep drop fish tomorrow.
CAPTAIN DAVEThis is Captain Dave keeping you updated on our recent fishing adventures Archives
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