7/30/2014 0 Comments Sandy And RandySandy and Randy from St Louis walked up to me today and said they were interested in an evening trip. Randy wanted to catch a tarpon and Sandy wanted to take revenge on the sharks because the day before a shark had eaten the redfish she was fighting.
We left around 4 and our first bite was a large stingray. The next bite acted like a tarpon but the fish never jumped. It wasn't until the fish rolled that I was sure it was a tarpon. It was a big fish probably 130 lbs and we caught it from a dead boat!! Sandy caught a few sharks after that and we caught one more tarpon that we had close enough to call a release but didn't get quite get right next to the boat. After a few more sharks we headed in. Another great evening of shark/tarpon on the kk.
7/29/2014 0 Comments Justin And the SharksObviously not a shark pictured, but 5 year old Justin was more excited about the 5 sharks that we caught tonight then this 150 lb tarpon. Fortunately, Justin's dad Jason was excited about this tarpon as well as the 2 others he caught so everyone went home happy. A special night in whale harbor channel on the Kaykiv.
7/28/2014 0 Comments Day offNo fishing for the kkiv today. Spent most of the day at worldwide (BassPro) catching up my aquarium duties.
No boats fished out of whale harbor but a few did go out of holiday Isle . From what i saw in passing it looked like the mahi were biting for those few boats that got out. 7/27/2014 0 Comments Shiver's GlassAnyone who drives up US 1 out of the keys and gets on the Florida turnpike or comes down the Florida turnpike ramp into US 1 at Florida city sees the Shiver's glass billboard. Today we fished owners and family of this landmark establishment.
Papa Joe, Joe Shiver, Denise (no relationship to my ex), Julie, John and Derek had a great day on the kk catching 30 heavy lifters and gaffers. Thanks folks and we look forward to fishing with you all again soon. 7/26/2014 0 Comments Grand Dad And Grand SonDoug and his grandson fished today on the kkiv. Doug wasn't sure if he wanted to do a 3/4 or a full day so after we had 15 mahi in the box by 9:30, I had to ask which it would be.
Guess we caught too many fish early because he decided to do the 3/4. Anyway we found another school a bit later and took 3, Looked for big fish for a couple hours, caught some skipjack and black fin tuna and headed for the beach. A lot less stressful than yesterday! ! 7/25/2014 0 Comments Never QuitFive hours staring through the binoculars and not seeing a set of birds on mahi makes for a long day.
Fortunately my clients were patient ( although somewhat concerned) and finally were rewarded around 1 o'clock when we found a large pack of just legal fish. We caught 3 and then just stopped eating. Talk about frustration.!!! We continued on, found a weed line and finally found a nice pack of big schoolies. We caught 20 before they also shut down but we had what we needed. My crew said they never had a doubt we'd find the fish. 7/23/2014 0 Comments Sergey The UkrainianWe had 4 Ukrainian chicken farmers on board today. Not small time stuff though, these guys raise huge numbers and get their fertile eggs from Ed (who was also on board) out of homestead fl.
Didn't find many schoolies (8 or 9) but we did catch a 40 lb, a 28 lb and a 22 lb mahi. Not bad for 4 guys that have never been on a charter before or new what a mahi was. They say that they are coming back with their friends. I guess I'll have to learn some Russian !! 7/22/2014 0 Comments Tough DayMahi fishing has been very good for almost 2 months so it was not unexpected that today was tough fishing for mahi. That's not to say that some boats didn't have good catches but most like us struggled. We ended up catching some big skipjacks, vermillion snapper, jacks, and rose porgies. Tomorrow we'll be back catching mahi I'm sure.
7/22/2014 1 Comment Two Different DaysToday started out with rain spread out across the horizon. Not finding any holes in the storms I headed out thinking we were going to get very wet a some point. Fortunately we avoided most of it, but the lack of light and the wind associated with the storms made finding mahi difficult in the morning.
Around 10 the clouds started to lift and the sun came out. We had caught a few mahi earlier but needed a lot more and at 22 miles we found a huge school. We caught all we needed and headed home. Alfred, Richard and Nancy did a great job but the fisherman that got the gold star today was 8 year old Christian who caught fish, took pictures of the action and handled the not so nice seas like a pro. Nice job Christian !!!. 7/20/2014 0 Comments Niguel Goes YellowtailingDavid, Terry, Sidney and Lauren from Orlando chartered the kkiv today for a half day of yellowtailing. Yesterday the current stopped and the bite wasn't very good. Today the current got a little stronger which made it more difficult to see the bite but the fish were big and bit all morning. Great day, good people, good fishing and everyone went home happy. Just another day on the kk.
7/19/2014 0 Comments Half DayArt and his son show off their catch of yellowtail from this morning. Not a great bite and a lot of missed fish but plenty to eat.
Hot July weather with no breeze made it a little warm in the pit. 7/19/2014 0 Comments A few Good onesCaught this 29 lb mahi on Friday off a piece of bamboo. He didn't want to eat a 1st so we threw a live blue runner at him and he just couldn't resist. Caught a few other decent fish and a bunch of schoolies for our folks from Chicago. Another good day on the kk.
7/19/2014 0 Comments Escaping North DakotaAnn, James and his 2 sons fished on the Kaykiv Thursday. James, although from south Florida originally, is now working in the oil fields of North Dakota and gets a few weeks off after working a bunch of weeks in a row.
We had a good time but had to go a long way to find the fish. It was worth it we found a big pack of heavy lifters and gaffers. sweet! !! 7/17/2014 0 Comments Canadian ConnectionJames fished with us a couple years ago and came back to fish the mahi yesterday. He couldn't talk his daughter into going so with one person on board we were limited to 10 Dorado. Needless to say we were looking for bigger fish pretty quickly and driving away from schools of fish we would have stopped to catch on most days. We did catch one teenager along with our 9 schoolies.
7/16/2014 1 Comment Colby's First Tarpon And SharkSorry no pictures but did get some video of Colby's tarpon. We were out last night and I almost called it when the lighting started. The storm past by and the sharks and tarpon started to bite. 1 for 3 on the tarpon and 7 or 8 sharks. Not bad for his first fishing trip.
7/12/2014 0 Comments A little Knowledge Is....tom Jim (Super Z, ) Andy and Derek from the Sarasota area fished with us today. We talked about snapper fishing but decided to go catch the mahi first see how that went and then try the snapper. At 15 miles the birds started to show and by 11 we had 25 fat schoolies in the box.
We headed to my vermillion spot and caught a half dozen but the current was making it difficult. We tried yellowtailing but while we did catch some tails conditions were also not great. When all else fails go with the captain's suggestions. 7/12/2014 0 Comments The Slammers Are HereThey should have been here in May or June but it looks like the big fish are finally showing. We caught 3 big ones today and 5 a couple days ago. Many of the other charter boats are also finding them so far all you folks that are interested in catching a big one, now is the time.
Today we had Allison and her group from Miami were out with us and we sent them home with 50 to 60 lbs of mahi fillets. they're already planning their next trip. 7/11/2014 0 Comments Five SlammersPhyllis, Derek, Steve, Steve and Jordan with the 5 slammer mahi they caught today on the kkiv. They were the last fish we caught today and everyone did a tremendous job keeping lines from getting tangled or breaking a fish off.
We had already caught all the schoolies we needed and were pretty much looking for larger fish. 1 bird, 5 fish and 45 minutes later we were headed for home with a very happy crew. The smallest weight 19 and the largest 28 lbs. 7/9/2014 0 Comments MonicaMonica and her family with a bunch of yellowtail, a bonita, a trigger fish and 1 grouper. We had a little hiccup this morning when 1 engine decided it didn't want to go fishing but after an hour of sweet talking it finally relented and fired off. Problem solved.
A good time was had by all and I think Monica caught the most fish. I know she got the most improved award. 7/9/2014 0 Comments Memorial EveningThese 3 young ladies (Ying, Mae YIng and Fanghua) and their parents Allison and Patrick went out on a shark / tarpon trip this evening. It was an incredible bite. We put a least 6 tarpon in the air (most over 100lbs) and caught 5 nurse sharks. We even a one tarpon that almost jumped into the boat!!
It was in the top 5 of my most memorable evening trips and I know these 3 young ladies will remember this trip for a long time. 7/7/2014 0 Comments Fair WarningMax called me last evening wanting to take his wife and 3 sons out for a half day today. I met Max 9, Parks 8 and Ran 6 this morning and since it was blowing a little more then it has been in recent days and since it would be their 1st deep sea adventure gave Max Sr my "this may not be a good idea" speech. max assured me they would be fine. I would bet dad is still regretting that decision. The yellowtail were biting as well as I have seen them bite recently but when Parks said through his tears that "this trip is just evil" we knew it was time to go. We caught enough for dinner and hopefully the boys will try again but unfortunately I think it will be some time before the do.
7/6/2014 0 Comments Family DayMy nephew, his wife Kelly, her father , his wife and a couple friends went fishing on the Kaykiv today. We started with the yellowtail which bit pretty well and then went to my vermillion snapper spot. We caught 8 or 9 nice ones and headed home. Johnathan had his gopro with him and I can't wait to see the video.
7/5/2014 0 Comments Not What Was PlannedBob and son with the fish we caught on a short day. Hannah ( didn't make the picture) wasn't feeling well once we got out 12 miles or so and soon I got the word to head for the beach. Fortuitously we had already caught a few mahi and caught more on the way home so we ended up with a decent catch on a short day.
7/4/2014 0 Comments The Ladies Of PersiaI have fished these ladies for the last five years. We always go mahi fishing and they always insist that we catch lots of fish. They have yet to be disappointed. I don't know why it works ( they would admit they are not the best fisher women.... they still are trying to understand what the bail is) but somehow we always catch a lot of fish with them. congratulations ladies.
7/2/2014 1 Comment Couple Of Nice OnesNot a whole lot of big fish around right now but we managed to find these 2 today along with 20 or so schoolies. Strange west wind compliments of tropical storm Arthur made the day feel weird. A lot of small mahi around but almost everyone is finding enough legal ones to make their day.
CAPTAIN DAVEThis is Captain Dave keeping you updated on our recent fishing adventures Archives
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